Certutil.exe Command Line Tool

Certutil.exe Command Line Tool 3,0/5 7729 votes

My server got it's certificate from a CA server, no problem. Now I need to use that certificate to configure a digital sender device. I just need to export a computer's certificate (public key only + complete chain) from my server (not a CA server). I can already do this through the certificate's double-click GUI with no problem, but I want to script it so I can do it from all of my servers centrally. How can I do this with certutil.exe, PowerShell, or some other native windows tool that can be scripted?

I'm not asking for a complete script (I can write the rest). Tose naina lage piya saware mp3mad. I just need the one command that will export the certificate from the server (not the CA) to a p7b file.

Great info here, BTW.


May 19, 2018 - Tools to Create, View, and Manage Certificates. Tools to Create. Certutil.exe is a command-line tool that is installed as part of Certificate.

Tools to Create, View, and Manage Certificates • • 2 minutes to read In this article CryptoAPI Tools are tools to perform common certificate management tasks. Tool Remarks Creates a test certificate. Creates a test (SPC). Manages certificates, CTLs, and (CRLs). All user input to these tools is case insensitive. Separate options now exist for the name and the file. Additional Tools Certutil.exe is a command-line tool that is installed as part of Certificate Services.

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You can use Certutil.exe to dump and display (CA) configuration information, configure Certificate Services, back up and restore CA components, and verify,, and certificate chains. For more information about Certutil, see the topic on Microsoft TechNet.