Cheat Atlantica Online 2018

Cheat Atlantica Online 2018 3,9/5 5673 votes

The game which was released in 2010 eventually had to close servers due to cheating problems in 2016. But now, the publishers stated that they have solved the cheat and bug issues. Unfortunately for old players, you will not be able to get your account back and all players will start at level 0. But old players can redeem their old account for a chance to get 5 smartphones in total and starter pack items for free.

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Robin Schulz & David Guetta & Cheat Codes; Album Shed A Light (The Remixes Part 1). [Atlantica online Korea] 2018-06-03 통합최강자전 결승전 빛의연맹. Atlantica Online General Cheating and Exploits As with most online games there is a lot of time that has to be invested into farming, leveling up, Download Working.

But according to our monitoring via Atlantica Online Indonesia’s, a lot of players are disappointed. Firstly because a lot of them want their old account back.

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Secondly, a lot of the old players forgot their account and/or password. A Facebook account by the name Alven Chen Sendawar said: Email lama lupa, password lupa, adakah bantuan dari pihak AOI untuk membuka akun lama yg penuh kenang2annya seperti masukan password sebelum di ganti. Masalahnya sy pernah ganti pasword tapi sudah lupa password baru, ingat yg lama aja Atau tunjukin 2 huruf terahir passwordnya biar bisa ingat Masalahnya kalau suruh masukan email, nah email aja sdh lupa masih pakai yahoo.coid itu Id: masih ingat Password: lupa tulen Tunjukin 2 huruf terahir dari passworku aja please? agar bisa ku ingat2 lagi Pihak AOI tolong cek akun ini (kensi54) liat history cash nya, kompensasi tolong balikin akun gw? itu aja, Samsung S8 ambil aja Basically, he wants Gemscool to at least give a hint of his old password and also he does not care about the event. Even though he has a chance to grab a Samsung Galaxy S8, all he wants is his old nostalgic account back. There is also die-hard Atlantica Online players that are still eager to play the game and can’t wait for it to come out. Here is what a Facebook user by the name Zoya Zevaya had to say: jangankan ID utama, ID tuyul yg seabrek juga masih ada di note pad laptop, hahahaha The player eventually saved all his character ID on his notepad’s laptop.


Nevertheless, there were a lot of comments and interaction on the Fan page. Does it mean we will see another game that is successful in relaunching? If you are interested in playing the game, you have to wait until March. But we will keep you updated with further news regarding Atlantica Online. Edited by Devi.