Fortinet Error Happened When Ing Ssl Vpn Client Plugins
Connecting to a Sonicwall SSL VPN using Windows Without Needing the Sonicwall NetExtender Client - Envision Technology. You’ll see a corresponding error in the.
Tried the CItrix adapter. Errors changed. Now get password prompt and all phases complete but dies on getting interface index. Enabled logging on Cisco VPN client 5.x and seeing this: 70 13:22:21.563 01/29/15 Sev=Warning/2 CVPND/0xA340000E Failed to get adapter index. 71 13:22:21.563 01/29/15 Sev=Warning/2 CM/0xA3100024 Unable to add route. Network: a9fe0000, Netmask: ffff0000, Interface: a04339b, Gateway: a043301.
72 13:22:36.620 01/29/15 Sev=Warning/2 CVPND/0xA340000E Failed to get adapter index. 73 13:22:36.620 01/29/15 Sev=Warning/2 CM/0xA3100024 Unable to add route. Network: a9fe0c04, Netmask: ffffffff, Interface: a04339b, Gateway: a043301. This repeats for a long time but never completes. Using 5.07.0440 This is worrisome since IPSEC VPN client is end of support from Cisco!:(. ++ Looks like some security feature in windows 10 is creating the issue. When Cisco VAInst64 which I guess is 64 bit virtual Adapter instantiation something runs, it can't get the interface index of the VPN adapter.

Most likely some Windows 10 security feature is blocking it. ++ Changed VAInst64 to run as windows 8 compatible mode and now it's another permission problem I guess and VPN session terminates. Logs show this: ======= 99 12:14:15.891 02/03/15 Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x63700010 Created a new key structure 100 12:14:15.891 02/03/15 Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x6370000F Added key with SPI=0x1c8890f3 into key list 101 12:14:15.891 02/03/15 Sev=Warning/2 IPSEC/0xE3700003 Function CNI_DNEListBindings() failed with an error code of 0x24510000 (IPSecDrvCB:453) 102 12:14:15.891 02/03/15 Sev=Warning/2 IPSEC/0xA370001F Cannot find binding for the private address: 122 12:14:16.532 02/03/15 Sev=Info/4 CM/0x63100012 Phase 1 SA deleted before first Phase 2 SA is up cause by 'Unknown'. 0 Crypto Active IKE SA, 0 User Authenticated IKE SA in the system 123 12:14:16.532 02/03/15 Sev=Info/5 CM/0x63100025 Initializing CVPNDrv 124 12:14:16.532 02/03/15 Sev=Info/6 CM/0x63100046 Set tunnel established flag in registry to 0.
125 12:14:16.532 02/03/15 Sev=Info/4 IKE/0x63000001 IKE received signal to terminate VPN connection 126 12:14:17.532 02/03/15 Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x63700014 Deleted all keys 127 12:14:17.532 02/03/15 Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x63700014 Deleted all keys 128 12:14:17.532 02/03/15 Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x63700014 Deleted all keys 129 12:14:17.532 02/03/15 Sev=Info/4 IPSEC/0x6370000A IPSec driver successfully stopped ======= ++ Similar issues were reported before on Vista/Win 7 trail versions, so hopefully in final version of windows 10, this will be fixed. ++ Have tried all of the workarounds I could find on 'bing/google', none of them helped. Books in gujarati language.
++ Only solution that worked for me is to run XP on a virtual player inside win 10 and run VPN client on there. This is working for me and I can live with that.
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