Grumman Sport Boat Serial Number
Best Answer: That is not a HIN number. It is the wrong number - I bet you got that off the plate near the front of the boat.. Your 'HIN' number is the one that tells the date of manufacture. This number will be at the rear or stern of your boat (and may be hard to see) - but it's there,,, It will start with the letters 'GBM' which stands for Grumman - and your HIN # is a 12 charachter number and will look something like this: GBM01234M13D If your number has more then 12 digits, and looks like this GBM01234M13D-5A you are only interest in the first 12 digits.. Anything after that will only make sense to Grumman.
The 12th digit will be a letter - this is coded for the month, the 10th and 11th digits will give you the year. In the example above, the year is 13 for 2013. Now depending on the year your boat was built, your HIN number could also end (12th digit) in a number and not a letter - in this case, the last two digits represent the year. Download kamen rider 000 sub indo mp4.
Ie: GBM012345D13. Captain John is referring to boats built after 1972. Before 72, HIN # s were not standardized nor required. I researched a G-17 with the same configuration (xxxxx-GP-5-17) w/no HIN. Marathon Boat Group told me: 'The only thing we can tell you is that it was made before 1972.'
It seems, Grummans built before 72 have no HIN# s are very difficult to determine date of manufacture. The gentleman that owned the boat I was researching said the boat was owned by his father and was about 40 yrs old so, I think a good guess would be late 60 s early 70 s.
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Bid History for Grumman 15 ft Square Stern Sport Boat Canoe:1 Item. Asset ID: 10458 Number of Bids: 20. VIN/Serial: Title Restriction: 1962: Grumman: Sportboat.
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