Gt Legends Mod Race 07
Mar 2, 2018 - Gt Legends Mod Race 07. CREDITS 2D/3D stuff: BorekS ( Car physics: deep-strike Sounds: wolferl / adapted for the cars.
Thats right Blair their is a GTL Mod for the Race Series, I think it was Mojo who did the mod (might be wrong there), it probably came from No Grip racing. Its an excellent mod and is great fun, it does, however since the release of the MMG F1 2007 Mod have one downside. The GTL Mod and the MMG F1 2007 Mod use some of the same car ID's in game - as far as I know this means you can NOT sucessfully have both Mods installed at the same time, it will cause conflict and problems (you definitely won't be able to join F1 servers online, probably more). Just thought I would point this out in case someone reads this thread and decides they want the GTL and the F1 mod, it may just save someone a whole lot of headscratching and frustration.! Ugggg - just had a hunt around and it seems the GTL Mod (Latest Version 1.31) by Mojo was been removed from No Grip (infringes some copyright laws or something), and Mojo seems mighty peed off at No Grip, Racedepartment, Simbin and even Bram over it. Its a shame because Mojo is amazingly skilled (from the work I have seen at least). Still, everyone is entitled to their opinions, and rules and laws are rules and laws, I just wish that a workable, keeps eveyone happy, soloution could be found because I would love to have the F1 and GTL Mod available in the same game.
I am with No Grip, RD, Simbin and Bram on this, because thats whats right and it is Mojo thats overstepped a mark here - but Mojo does have my respect and if anyone from SIMBIN who can make a difference reads this I would urge them to try and find a better soloution to the problem of Mojo and his 'illegal' download than alienating a great modder from our great community. Click to expand.Why oh why oh why can't SIMBIN find a way of plugging GTL (and GTR2) into Race07 in the same way as they 'plug' GTR Evo, STCC, etc etc in? I accept they may have a different engine, but surely its not beyond SIMBIN to streamline their range so someone with Race ON, GTL, GTR2 is able to have one set of wheel/ffb setups and is able to browse games from all Race,GTL, GTR games in the Lobby - if they could do that (WITHOUT losing the bits of GTL and GTR2 that people love) then it could bring communities together and mean more server choice for us all. I mean we can plug the GTL Mod in - why can't SIMBIN reserve Car ID's and enable this as a sort of THANKYOU to people who support them by buying more games from their range?

Its happeneing now with Race Series, and thats fine, but it would be so little work (on the scale of SIMBIN) to do this and could seriously regenerate sales of GTL/GTR2 as many, many people out there are a little afraid of installing mods but could probably be tempted to buy GTR/GTL if it auto combined in this way. Now I am even more! If they are separate companies fine I get that, if the 'licences really did go to the grave' which I doubt then who is there to stand in the way of the GTL Mod?
I just don't get it. Feel a bit dumb for admitting that. I try to stick with mods that are here on RD already if I can, because I know that they will be decent mods, that are proven to work and that they will be legal - although I am very tempted to try a Mini mod put on No Grip last week - 4x4 480bhp Minis sound nuts - almost as good as this one would/could have been. - hmmm 240kmh 0-100kph (60mph) in 4.5 seconds - unfortunately it seems it never ran, unless someone can find footage out there.
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