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The story begins right after a huge explosion in the Auburn District in Fairport. Your team is scattered all over the city and your first mission consists on finding them. The game's environment is absolutely terrifying: darkness, tons of debris and an anguishing silence only broken by your own footsteps - and the voices of your enemies approaching. 2: Project Origin features incredibly realistic graphics, especially in the recreation of scenarios. This feeling of realism is supported by the fact that you can actually interact with objects, for instance, using broken tables to cover from enemy fire. Speaking of enemies, their AI is quite good and they will constantly hide and run from you. The act of killing them is realistic too, in the sense that a shot in the leg doesn't cause as much damage as one in the head.
Enemy soldiers are not your only opponent though. You'll also come across some scary ghosts that will suddenly appear out of nowhere and send shivers down your spine – not to mention the ghostly laughs and voices you'll hear from time time. However, the most outstanding feature in F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin is a kind of movie style that makes the whole game totally immersive. Old malayalam movie songs. You'll watch short cut-scenes and images (like some sort of flashbacks) along the game, together with special movie-like effects, such as being able to trigger a slow-motion effect in the middle of an action-packed battle.
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Though a bit short for such a heavy file, F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin is definitely an impressive first-person shooter where action and terror make the perfect combination. By Anonymous IWaaaaaaaay better than the first F.E.A.R.(At least in my opinion). I personally just loved this game, easily. IWaaaaaaaay better than the first F.E.A.R.(At least in my opinion). I personally just loved this game, easily better than the first-F.E.A.R.(Including the expansion-packs) I just liked the darker, grittier-feel and the more expansive-environments and just the mummified-remains of people killed in the auburn-district explosion during the destroyed urban-setting of Freeport(Fictional-city portrayed in the game) was DEAD-AWESOME. I also love the more-diverse cast of enemies in this game too than the first one.
The creepiest part in my opinion was in the school-level when the lockers in the hallway come crashing down and than the lights turn out and you have to fight the specters present there in the pitch-darkness and flickering-Lights(The flickering-lights of which reveal blood-stained walls and cardboard-objects) I thought that was the most-terrifying part I ever had to play in a videogame before. So if you like Horror-themed shoot-em games this is the one for you, I at least liked it. I would give this game a rating of beyond 5 even 10 stars!!! Excellently-creepy atmosphere B. Very Good soundtrack C. The enemies are awesome and terrifying D. Perfect-mix of Horror and Action Cons: Just one con: The Nudity and Sexual-content I thought was unnecessary other than that I can't really think of anything else that was bad about it!!!
Reviewed on July 5, 2011 • • Articles about F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin.