Java Httpclient Download File Examples
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If you ever needed to request HTTP resources with Java, you probably came across several solutions put together from a surprising number of lines. And you probably ended up with using a third party library to achieve your goal in a reasonable manner. Good news: besides, the next JDK version comes with a brand new HTTP client, and it not only brings support for HTTP/2, but also a sleek and comprehensive API. Let’s have a closer look at the new features. HTTP/2 brings awesome new features to the protocol, including • bidirectional communication using push requests • multiplexing within a single TCP connection • long running connections • stateful connections We’ll focus on the HTTP client here, for in-depth information about HTTP/2 you should watch. Incubator Module It is important to notice that the with JDK 9.
Import Import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient.
This has a few implications: • In JDK 9, the module is called jdk.incubator.httpclient. • This incubator module will be replaced by java.httpclient in JDK 10. • JDK 10 might bring breaking changes to the API. The New API of Java 9’s HTTP Client Basically, there are three classes involved when communicating via HTTP: a HttpClient will be used to send HttpRequests and receive HttpResponses. Good basis for a comprehensible API, right? Let’s see: Basic Example: GET Request to String. HttpClient client = HttpClient.
NewHttpClient (); HttpRequest request = HttpRequest. NewBuilder ().
Uri ( new URI ( ')). Build (); HttpResponse response = client. Send ( request, HttpResponse. AsString ()); System. Println ( response.
StatusCode ()); System. Println ( response. Kannada film old songs. Body ()); Beautiful, isn’t it? No InputStream and Reader involved - instead, the API offers a BodyHandler which allows us to read the String directly from the response.
We’ll see other BodyHandlers below. While HttpClient, HttpRequest and HttpResponse are the main actors in our HTTP communication, we will mostly be working with builders to configure them. The builders provide a concise and chainable API. Inspecting HttpRequest.Builder We can obtain an instance of HttpRequest.Builder by calling HttpRequest.newBuilder(), as we did above.
We will use it to configure everything related to a specific request. Let’s have a look at its most important methods.
HttpClient client = HttpClient. NewHttpClient (); HttpRequest request = HttpRequest. NewBuilder (). Uri ( new URI ( ')).
Build (); Path tempFile = Files. CreateTempFile ( 'consol-labs-home', '.html' ); HttpResponse response = client. Send ( request, HttpResponse. AsFile ( tempFile )); System. Println ( response. StatusCode ()); System. Println ( response.
Body ()); Upload a File Using POST Uploading a file from the local file system via POST is easy as well, we can add a POST body by using a HttpRequest.BodyProcessor. HttpClient client = HttpClient. NewHttpClient (); HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.
NewBuilder (). Uri ( new URI ( ')). POST ( HttpRequest. FromFile ( Paths. Get ( '/tmp/file-to-upload.txt' ))). Build (); HttpResponse response = client. Send ( request, HttpResponse.
Discard ( null )); System. Println ( response. StatusCode ()); Async HTTP Request Asynchronous HTTP is as easy as using HttpClient#sendAsync() instead of HttpClient#send. If the server side supports HTTP/2, you can even cancel a running request.