Mugen Characters Blazblue Hazama
Makoto crashes the game upon loading. I tested her in both 1.0 and 1.1 Error parsing Reversaldef Error parsing [State 0, ReversalDef] Error in [Statedef 1006] Error in Especiales.cns:3264 Character mugenversion is older than this version of M.U.G.E.N. Error loading chars/ff3_0/ff3_0.def Error loading p1 Clipboard tail: Gameflow 8 Gameflow 9 Gameflow 10 Gameflow 11 Loading match assets. Loading stage. Loading BG.OK Stage loaded OK Allocating helpers.OK Match RNG seed: 344235690 Reset persist vars team 0 Reset persist vars team 1 Loading character chars/ff3_0/ff3_0.def. Loading info.OK Loading cmd command set COMANDOS.cmd.OK Loading cns CONSTANTES.cmd.OK Loading cns Makoto.cns.OK Loading cns helpers.cns.OK Loading cns DistortionDrives.cns.OK Loading cns Especiales.cns.Character ff3_0.def failed to load.
Download/Descargar Chars Hazama (by Devilpp) Relius (by ka) Taokaka (SXVector) Litchi FayeLing (by QY China) Tsubaki (by Speedy9199) Makoto (by kal) Platinum (by kal) Rachel (by kal) Mu (by Kal) Nu (by kal) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comenten, Denle like, Compartan Y No Se Olviden de Suscribirse.

Jump to Hazama - Hazama (ハザマ), a captain of the NOL's Intelligence Division and the main antagonist of Continuum Shift. He is an artificial human born. Hazama, also known by his extended codename Hazama Honoka (Shadowy Serpent Fang), is a playable character, one of the main antagonists, and according to official sources, he was 5th main character in the BlazBlue series, prior being demoted as one of the secondary antagonists due the first.