Pmf Player For Pc Download
Feb 27, 2018 - •.pmf File Type PSP Movie File File Format Proprietary (Sony) Usage Open manually; may be referenced by an application Rank. A codec to play.PMF (Playstation Media Files) from any media player on your windows PC. Coded by JoeyT2005 and mupet0000.
.PMF files are video files which are used in many games for the Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) console.PMF files usually can be opened like any other video files with a media player like Media Player Classic – Home Cinema. However, the audio cannot be played because it is in a different format which the MPC-HC doesn’t recognize (the audio is in ATRAC3 format, in.OMA extension). If you wish to play.PMF video files with the audio, you’ll need to “process” them. “Process” means extracting and converting the audio into a familiar format (.OMA ->.MP3), convert the video into a familiar format (.PMF ->.AVI), and muxing (joining) the video and audio file into one playable file (.AVI). Before starting, please download and install Sony’s SonicStage 4.3 as it is an important program for this tutorial. Some of the programs used in this tutorial requires it to work. I can’t provide the link to download it because I have simply forgotten where did I get the offline installer.
Download HIMDRenderer 1.00 beta 4 from. Download PMFAudioDumper from (login required). Download AVI Mux GUI from. Extract HIMDRenderer and PMFAudioDumper into a folder, extract the.PMF file that you wish to “process” from your game into the same folder, and extract AVI Mux GUI into a different folder. In my case, I extracted the opening movie of the “Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy” game for the PSP.
(Blue: HIMDRenderer Purple:.PMF file Green: PMFAudioDumper) 6. You can open the.PMF file with MPC-HC to see if it’s playable. But note the bottom-right corner of the MPC-HC window, you’ll see a loudspeaker with an X icon which indicates that the audio cannot be played. Extract the audio from the.PMF file by using PMFAudioDumper. Open Command Prompt in the folder and type: PMFAudioDumper.exe “LOP.PMF” (change “LOP.PMF” with your.PMF file name) (“LOP.PMF.0.oma” is the audio file extracted from the “LOP.PMF” file) 8. Convert the audio file to.MP3 with HIMDRenderer (you can’t do this with other softwares).
Make sure that the Output Encoding is LAME MP3. Start the convert and wait for it to finish, and you should see a new.MP3 file alongside the.PMF and.OMA files. Rename the “LOP.PMF.0.oma.MP3” file to “LOP.MP3”, and delete the “LOP.PMF.0.oma” file. Open the.PMF file with MPC-HC again and note the bottom-right corner of the window.
You should see a double loudspeaker icon which indicates that the audio can be played. However, the audio is from an external file (“LOP.MP3”), not from inside the.PMF file itself. Playing it normally is fine, but don’t try to fast-forward/backward, as it will screw up the audio (not synchronized with the video). If you delete the.MP3 file and play the.PMF file again, the audio won’t be played. Now, convert the.PMF file to.AVI with FormatFactory (if you don’t have it, please install it). However, the latest version of FormatFactory cannot process the.PMF file (I dunno why.
A bug or something?:I), so use the old version of FormatFactory (FormatFactory 2.45 which you can download from ). Once the conversion has been completed, move the converted file (.AVI) to the folder where the.PMF file is (for easier operation). To make it easy for you to distinguish which file is.PMF and which file is.AVI, rename the.AVI file to something like “LOP_AVI.AVI”. Now mux (join) the.MP3 and.AVI files into one playable.AVI file with AVI Mux GUI. Open the program, and drag-and-drop the files into the Open Files box. Make sure to double-click both files so that their data appears in the box below. Click on Start, choose where to save the target file, start the muxing process and wait for it to finish.
Play the muxed.AVI file, and note the bottom-right corner again. Now you can delete the.PMF,.MP3, and.AVI files (the unprocessed.AVI file). Those files are no longer needed. You can also rename the muxed.AVI file to something you want. Play the muxed.AVI file again after you have deleted the useless files and renamed the muxed.AVI file. That’s all there is to it.

It’s easy, but takes some time. And the girl appeared throughout the tutorial is Terra Branford, my favorite Final Fantasy character. Abgx360 all waves. Everything mentioned here is a copyright of their respective owner(s) and/or their affiliate(s).