Delphi Xe Serial Port Example
This is Just an update on this Delphi issue. I managed to make a working example (it works pretty good) on Delphi 7 using ComPort VLC component to control a series of LEDs thru Serial COMM Software example with source code, Arduino code and ComPort VLC, all available on my site to download Im preparing another example that reads Serial Data from a Temp Sensor on Arduino to Display it on Delphi Host. Any question, just shoot (im not an expert but sure we can manage to solve any issue).
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I've been doing professional Delphi development for about 15 years, so I've been through a number of industries. Probably the most relevant would be a project I worked on years ago to read data from an AMB transponder system to do automotive timing and scoring. It was a fun project. The AMB system uses battery powered radio transponders on the cars (or horses, whatever you're racing) that pass over an antenna loop. The antenna is connected to a pricey box that does some fancy calculations to decide precisely when the transponders are passing over the center of the loop. It then sends data about the transponder crossings to the computer over the serial port. My program would read the data and display a variety of data about the order of the cars on the track, best times, number of laps, etc.
I'm from Georgia. I am a beginner programmer. I want write delphi app for arduino serial com port communication. I searched example code for delphi and comport library, http plz Tell me how to install Synaser library in delphi 5 or delphi 7, delphi xe2.
I haven't been doing a lot of hardware interfacing lately, but my current interfacing project is to collect, process and display data from the OpenAMR project. As far as GIS I mainly use Delphi and a third party component called TatukGIS. It's amazing, cheap, royalty free, and is VERY versitle. Connects to ESRI, AutoCAD, ArcGIS server; you name it. If you look into it tell them Eric Meadows sent you. They'll give some attention!
They are in Poland and they're support is the best. I think they have someone there 24hrs and I believe there's only 3 or 4 developers.! Also look on ESRI's ArcScript site for Delphi componets. There's a developer there that has written the bible on using ESRI in Delphi. I just found your post about serial port libraries I just use the connection that comes with the TatukGIS kernel. I've only just found your recomendation and Betamatiz from previous posts. Trade me your knowledge of Arduino and I can help you with GIS; I've been doing GIS for about 15 years now.
Serial I/O (RS232) Using Delphi All Intel PCs have one or two serial ports usually referred to as Com1 and Com2. These comm ports provide voltages and pin outs consistent with RS-232C. Normally, these ports are used for mice, modems, printers, and the like. Under DOS, it was possible to directly access these ports. However, Windows 95 and above forbid direct hardware access. Therefore, this page exists to help get around windows. I provide numerous references in.
I really don't get it, with all the available windows API commands, why doesn't Delphi provide a built-in wrapper function for SerialIO? Borland provides the following.
•: Setting comm port configuration programmatically under Win95 •: Changing com port config via Win95 CommConfig Dialog (Pure gold:). Except that only the baud rate can be changed:( the other 4 fields are ignored. •: How can I dial out through the modem under Win32? How to write to the comm port •: How can I determine the names of the installed comm ports?
The data is read from the registry In addition to the Delphi File I/O commands, there are several. Most of these comm commands (such as CommConfigDialog) are defined in kernel32. The following code from FAQ 16400 shows how to write to the comm port as a file. The code in the FAQ also verifies a valid handle before writing to it. Warning: There is an error in the FAQ - NumberWritten must be dword not LongInt PhoneNumber:= 'ATDT 1-555-555-1212' + #13 + #10; CommPort:= 'COM2'; hCommFile:= CreateFile(PChar(CommPort), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); WriteFile(hCommFile, PChar(PhoneNumber)^, Length(PhoneNumber), NumberWritten, nil) This code works for comports 1 thru 9, but not for ports 10 and higher. Instead, use code similar to the following CommPort:= '.