Download Game K. RUNE FACTORY 3

Download Game K. RUNE FACTORY 3 3,7/5 4758 votes

I am addicted to the rune factory series, and I think rune factory 3 is hands down, the BEST of the rune factory games. I played rune factory 1 and fell in love, thought it was amazing, until I found this one. I'm a big big fan of all the functions in this game - ability to do requests from towns folks, the LARGE amount of marriageable girls- all with amazing story lines, so you will have a tough time choosing who you like best. There's also the forging, pharmacy, and cooking to love about this game. Lots of recipes for you to play around with. I give this game a 10/10.

Rune factory 3 walkthrough

Download the game Rune Factory 3 - A Fantasy Harvest Moon USA ROM for NDS / Nintendo DS. Free and instant download.

Hai Sobat Harvester dan Bloggers, kali ini saya menyampaikan game Rune Factory 3: Fantasy Harvest Moon. Apa sih bedanya antara Harvest Moon yg biasa sama Rune Factory? Perbedaannya terleta k pada Battle lawan monster dan dapat menjinakkan Monster sehingga monster tersebut akan menjadi peliharaan kita. Terus persamaanya dengan Harvest Moon apa? Persamaanya terletak pada pernikahan, Berinteraksi dengan warga, dan Pertanian. Apa sih kelebihan Rune Factory 3? Kelebihannya terdapat pada grafisnya dan Storylinenya.

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