Quadratic Equation Program In Vb.net
Jun 1, 2018 - Write some code, either in C# and VB.NET, to solve quadratic equations. I have to write a program which calculate quadratic equation and find its roots. The roots must be displayed via MsgBox-es, and the variables A, B and C must be entered via InputBox-es. For now I have written this, but it somehow doesn't work and I can't figure out why.
Dim a, b, c, undroot, root, posx, negx, x1, x2 As Single Private Sub cmdcompute_Click() a = txta.Text b = txtb.Text c = txtc.Text If txta.Text = ' Then MsgBox 'Please enter the value of A ', 0 + 32 Exit Sub End If If txtb.Text = ' Then MsgBox 'Please enter the value of B ', 0 + 32 Exit Sub End If If txtc.Text = ' Then MsgBox 'Please enter the value of C ', 0 + 32 Exit Sub End If If a = 0 Then MsgBox 'A can't equal 0 ', 0 + 32 Exit Sub End If If (b ^ 2) - 4 * a * c. That depends what language you use. But basically, you need to write commands to:. Tell the user what it is all about. Ask for the coefficients a, b, and c, for the equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0. Check whether the discriminant (the expression b 2 - 4ac) is positive, negative, or zero. Depending on the result, use the quadratic formula to show the two real solutions, the single real solution, or the two complex solutions.

If you are only interested in real solutions, in the latter case state that there are no real solutions.
Introduction Hello, and welcome to my small article about Quadratic Equations. Quadratic Equations In algebra, a quadratic equation is any equation in the form of ax 2 + bx + c = 0. In the previous expression, x represents an unknown, and a, b, and c represent known numbers such that a is not equal to 0.
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The numbers a, b, and c are the coefficients of the equation, and can be distinguished by calling them the quadratic coefficient, the linear coefficient, and the constant or free term.